Thursday, October 25, 2007

Zoe's Halloween costume came today. After a lot of consideration, we decided to go with the Sweet Pea costume - it was either that or a ridiculous monkey or an elephant with enormous ears. The package said 0-6 months, but I think a two-year old would fit inside this thing. I tried on the little hat. Maybe I'll go as the Sweat Pea. I can't really get my swine farmer costume to work.


Anonymous said...

What the *&%@! does Bunna & Biff mean? I had a kitty named Biffy once. I'm glad you guys started the blog. Be sure to keep it up to date for us!

Bunna and Biff said...

Bunna and Biff are our nicknames. They're embarrassing enough to provide relative anonymity on the web.