Tuesday, January 22, 2008

a little game

So, you know the games where you're shown only a tiny section of a larger image and you're supposed to guess what that larger image is? Try this one. Comment on this post with your answer and we'll reveal the complete image in the next few days. The winner will get a VIP tour of Champaign's famed Swine Research Center. Good luck!


tweedlediva said...

We are guessing baked on scuz on the bottom of your oven.

Unknown said...

we are guessing that some elderly person tried to cook something that they shouldn't have.

Anonymous said...

I say it's either brownie batter that got on the oven, or a big poop on asphalt.

CLF said...

Okay Jenny and Spencer...
I have been watching your blog for months (love it)...I have not yet commented, but could not resist on this one (especially given the prize)...hmmm...a digitally enhanced/enlarged booger? Jenny call me...sorry I have been so out of touch...but I have been keeping track of you with the blog! :)

dan richards said...

for sure it's brownie batter that had fallen out of a pan that you filled too high. scoop some of that up and send it our way guys!

franceylibrarian said...

All I can say is, I hope this has NOTHING to do with Zoe!

Brad said...

Oh that's obvious! It's petrified Dinosaur poop.