Bunna was wrong.
Enter Zoe.
Apparently Bunna and Biff roll lots of Yahtzees.
Enter player to be named later (Yahtzee #2).
Bunna and Biff couldn't be happier. 100 point bonus for the second Yahtzee! It's not a bad way to start off the scorecard.
On a related note, ultrasounds are interesting experiences. The technicians search for vital organs and measurements of the head and spine in a sea of confusingly undulating static--very technical and good to know, but Bunna just wants to adjust the rabbit ears. The scientific part out of the way, most technicians (if things are going their way) try to provide a little entertainment for the excited parents.
This time around Bunna and Biff got some feet and toes...
and this one of Skeletor...er..."face"...this is the one Zoe calls "doggy"--woof woof.
Neither Bunna nor Biff were eager to claim this as their genetic material.
Anyway, Bunna was wrong--way wrong.